

4/2/20 - Find 5 visual and 5 special effects and research them.
4/2/20 - I have found 5 visual and 5 special effects and have started research on them.
5/2/20 - I am going to research examples of visual effects and do a little more research into special effects.
5/2/20 - I completed getting examples for visual effects. I will get examples and research for special effects next lesson
6/2/20 - I completed the 5 visual and 5 special effect research. Next lesson I will try and complete my detailed analysis on 2 specific effects.
6/2/20 - I edited a few examples as they were bad ones and almost completed my detailed analysis. I learned a lot about datamoshing. Next time I will fix my presentation a bit and then start brain storming ideas.
10/2/20 - I finished brainstorming and will start the proposal next lesson. However, I don't think I have done enough for the detailed section for effects.
10/2/20 - Re-done my idea so that it fits the brief better. Unfortunately did not do much on the proposal so I should do that next lesson. 
24/2/20 - Started base ideas for proposal. Aim to finish proposal tomorrow.
25/2/20 - Fished proposal. Try to test skills in next lesson.
26/2/20 - Feeling a bit down going into the VFX skills phase as I can't do most of the VFX that I want to do as they require third party software, It is also very hard to find footage to test the skills on. Although I could do more testing at home.


Visual effects are effects that are done in post production by a computer with a VFX artist.
Special effects are mostly recorded on set by using clever camera movements / placements along with props, make-up, etc...

Visual Effects


  • Datamoshing is an umbrella term but its intention is to create a glitchy transition to give of an old / retro feel or to give a feel of destruction to something important.
  • It adds to the scene if it was used properly and in the right aesthetic.
  • This was made by glitching, altering, or breaking the fundamental structure of video files’ data, which results in a glitchy effect. (Example shown is a datamoshing technique called pixel sorting).
Seen in - (

Image result for compositing example"

  • The intention of it is to add pictures and other things in that were not there on set when it was filmed.
  • If done well it can make it seem like a character is in a completely different world.
  • It is made by having a vibrant colour background (generally green or blue) and then replacing it with an image. (Like adding explosions).
(Works hand-in-hand with green screens)

Image result for motion tracking in film gif example

  • Tracking is an umbrella term but in some cases it makes the audience focus on the part being tracked while giving interesting mid to background visuals. Also allows the VFX artist to make objects track a point.
  • Making text track a point allows for the addition of information into the scene.
  • A VFX artist would use a program that moves the scene so that one point is always on an anchor point.

3D Modeling
Image result for 3d modeling building"

  • It is used to either cut down costs on large scale destruction or to help make a sci-fi experience due to the lack of flying cars in real life or large flying battleships.
  • Without 3D modeling many scenes would seem bland or wouldn't make any sense in big name films.
  • (In the terms of a building) A model is created using a program. This model then gets applied a texture and added physics. It could even get duplicated and changed every iteration for massive scales.

C.G.I (Computer Generated Imagery)
Image result for guardians of the galaxy cgi
  • CGI is used for visual effects because the quality is often higher and effects are more controllable than other more physically based processes. It also allows the creation of images that would not be feasible using any other technology.
  • When done it can make a human seem like a raccoon. (as shown above from Guardians of the Galaxy).
  • Designers create a series of computer-generated graphics. After the basic graphics are created, the next step is to bring them to life. To make the graphics look real, creators pay special attention to details such as texture, lighting, and colour.

Special Effects

Forced Perspective
Image result for forced perspective example

  • It makes things appear to be farther away or closer than they actually are.
  • If it was filmed well it could make things appear a lot smaller, like holding the Empire state building in your hand or more famously; holding up the leaning tower of Pisa.
  • Made by placing the main object in frame very close or very far away from the camera to make it seem a lot smaller or bigger than it is.

Stop motion
Image result for stop motion gif example
  • Gives of a feeling that a still object has independent motion creating emotion in the audience for a still object.
  • The more pictures taken of the object very slowly being adjusted each time a picture is taken makes it more effective.
  • Objects are physically manipulated in small increments between individual pictures and when played back all put together it can create a video. (Basically creating each frame of video).

Dolly zoom
Image result for dolly zoom example

  • Intentionally used to create a sensation of vertigo or to suggest that a character is undergoing a realisation that causes them to reassess everything they had previously believed.
  • It is very successful in enhancing a scene by creating a sense of "falling-away-from-oneself feeling" or a feeling of unreality.
  • Created by matching the zoom speed with the movement of the camera on a focus point.


Image result for rotoscoping before and after
  • The purpose of this is either to animate a scene completely using a live-action reference, or to add animation to a live-action scene while tracking the movement of the camera and the live-action elements.
  • It does not really enhance a scene but it could transform live action scenes into cartoon esque pieces of film.
  • Animators trace over motion picture footage, frame by frame, to produce realistic action.

Matte Painting
Image result for matte painting example
  • Creates the illusion of an environment that is not present at the filming location.
  • Does not add much to the scene but can set a mood for the audience e.g. like a sunset sky being calming.
  • matte painting is often a painted glass pane that is used to show a landscape or large set piece. Matte paintings are either filmed on set, where they are framed to look like a physical set piece, or they are combined with live footage in post production.

Detailed Effects

Although datamoshing is a relatively unknown visual effect for films it is picking up popularity in music videos, especially in "Sicko Mode" by Travis Scott ft. Drake which included datamoshing. I personally love this VFX  as it gives a very cool looking effect when done well and is a good transition effect. I think it should be capitalised more as it gives off an effect of destruction and is paired good with repeating or distorted audio.

( - duration 5 seconds) 
The datamoshing in this clip is speeding up and slowing down the "corruption" of the clip to be in sync with the beat which then finishes on what I believe is P-Frame duplication.

Datamoshing is basically the altering of I, P, and B frames to create an effect.
  • An I‑frame (Intra-coded picture) is a complete image, like a JPG or BMP image file.
  • P‑frame (Predicted picture) holds only the changes in the image from the previous frame. The encoder does not need to store the unchanging background pixels in the P‑frame, therefore saving space. P‑frames are also known as delta‑frames.
  • B‑frame (Bidirectional predicted picture) saves even more space by using differences between the current frame and both the previous and following frames to make its content specific.

Source - (

Tracking, especially motion tracking, is a well used and effective way to set a focus point for the audience to see. Without motion tracking some scenes will seem out of place and even unusable for top league use.

As said before it makes the audience focus on the part being motion tracked, to stabilise, as it stands out to them since it is not following the motion of the entire scene. This is used very well in Apple's advert for a wireless earphone, as shown below.

The scenes are very well pieced together because of one object being the same, the earphones, to give consistency to all the clips along with the music.

Motion tracking is done by applying multiple anchor points for every frame so that when enlarged slightly it seems as if the clips are all moving around those anchor points. while those points stay still. Perfect example is the Apple advertisement.

makeup SFX tutorial

To make a realistic knife cut SFX, I had to look up a tutorial on how to replicate one; as I did not know how to.

From watching this video, I can tell that to create a deep wound they would use clay and then carve out a gash in the clay. It would be heated and then they put latex on top to ensure it had set well. This would then be coloured in to match the skin tone of the actor. They would then colour in the incision and adding extra colour to the outside of the incision to make it more realistic. 

Silicone can make a more realistic wound as it is naturally glossy, can be coloured in many ways and can be layered up to create depth in the wound.

                                        Skin coloured
Applying PVA glue       makeup over                Fake liquid                   Adding dried solid
to help putty stick         putty and skin              blood over                    blood to cut while
to skin.                         and making cut.           everything.                   adjusting putty.

                                                                                                         More liquid blood and
                                                                                                         solid dried blood to area
Touching up of putty.                 Adding broken pencil.          of pencil.

Finished product



(Unfortunately most of the effects have tutorials attached onto them)

Multiple applications of datamoshing

Pixel sorting (datamoshing)
Image result for pixel sortingImage result for pixel sorting
This can only be done in pictures and is no use for video. However, the aesthetic of it is cool and I could try and implement it.

Walk by / sweeping mask
I could do this semi easily but is very time consuming since you are doing some stuff for each frame.

Fake pop up
I might add this into my video but I am not sure if it adds to the video at all...

Into screen transition (tutorial)


Out of screen transition (tutorial)

Due to the video being very short and sped up it is hard to see what they are doing but the end effect if very good.

Zoom through transition (might add)


Genre: Thriller

I am aiming to create a scene where a person presses a keyboard button and the camera will zoom into the monitor (which then shows scrolling text going up as if its being typed). A video will then play after that with very glitchy effects to which the camera will zoom out and the person will pass out making the scene fade to black with a eye closing effect.

Backstory / What is the context of the task, what has happened before?

I have a passion for gaming and to implement this into the project I will have the person play a game to initiate the scene. I chose to work with computers more as I feel I can express effects better with them rather than physical ones. I also dislike having myself in my work or anyone else's work, I prefer to stay behind the scenes in post production maybe?

Opportunity / What’s the core problem you’re aiming to solve? What opportunity does it suggest?

Some adults think that playing games and watching videos on a screen is bad for you / "rotting the brain". Some even think that playing video games causes violence. I want to prove them wrong by over exaggerating the claims to hopefully show how they might be wrong. I also want to show what and how far technology has come from when the internet was first created. This is why I am going to create very confusing, complicated but somehow "cool" effects to show off the technology.

Scope / What’s in? What’s out?

The overall scope of the project is a video with many different glitchy effects complimented with "glitchy" audio to hopefully show exaggeration. The video could be used in campaigns, but I have no intention to do so. If the over exaggeration works then the adults that think games "ruin the mind" would hopefully open their mind and see how their opinion might be wrong. 

Target Audience / Who are they? Where are they? Describe them

The target audience would be very vast but it would generally be people my age and people i'd say 40 or over (people that were born before the internet). This is because they have the most experience with it or none at all.

Constraints / What are the brand, technology, resource, people constraints? 

The only constraint I might have is probably location as I would need to record it at home, therefore in my spare time.

Assumptions / What are all our current assumptions? Both in terms of the target market and our abilities 

My assumptions are that this project will be able to have some sort of impact on the lives of adults. I want them to see their opinion from a different perspective, to see how outlandish it is.

Resources / Who is in the core and extended team? What is needed to achieve success? 

I will be responsible for this production and I will attempt to not be dependent on others in order to guarantee success. Furthermore, I have also made sure that I have access to the Adobe Software at home so that I continue editing in my own time. The only budget that will be needed for the video is the actual travel to and from different locations, although they are local it still costs fuel money to get to them.

Success / How will you measure success? Describe the hard metrics of success 

I will aim to measure success by seeing the impact on their opinion, i.e. if their opinion changes in any way. I might upload it to YouTube and see if I get any comments or likes from it.

Envision / What does success look like? Feel like? What will you be famous for? Where will this project lead?

My aim is to change the opinions of the adults to hopefully show them that video games and watching things isn't "rotting the brain". Furthermore, I also aim to show off the effects to hopefully put some people in awe.

Plan v2

Specific skill VFX

To datamosh I will require either Adobe Pr (Premiere) or Adobe Ae (After Effects); maybe both. In addition, I might need software specifically for datamoshing but is hard to use due to its age.

Pixel sorting can be done in Adobe Ps (Photoshop) or using a specific program. 

Most if not all the other effects I have listed are going to use Adobe Pr and Adobe Ae.


  1. Hi Alex, your research is done to a satisfactory standard. I would have liked to see more sources being used as well as seeing you go down more paths of interests. So for the FMP please let your mind wander and document where you lead to.

  2. Hi Alex, your proposal was done to a satisfactory standard. I wish it was more specific in a few areas, and will have to be more thought out for FMP


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