Evaluation & Reflection


4/2/20 - Find 5 visual and 5 special effects and research them.
4/2/20 - I have found 5 visual and 5 special effects and have started research on them.
5/2/20 - I am going to research examples of visual effects and do a little more research into special effects.
5/2/20 - I completed getting examples for visual effects. I will get examples and research for special effects next lesson
6/2/20 - I completed the 5 visual and 5 special effect research. Next lesson I will try and complete my detailed analysis on 2 specific effects.
6/2/20 - I edited a few examples as they were bad ones and almost completed my detailed analysis. I learned a lot about datamoshing. Next time I will fix my presentation a bit and then start brain storming ideas.
10/2/20 - I finished brainstorming and will start the proposal next lesson. However, I don't think I have done enough for the detailed section for effects.
10/2/20 - Re-done my idea so that it fits the brief better. Unfortunately did not do much on the proposal so I should do that next lesson. 
24/2/20 - Started base ideas for proposal. Aim to finish proposal tomorrow.
25/2/20 - Fished proposal. Try to test skills in next lesson.
26/2/20 - Feeling a bit down going into the VFX skills phase as I can't do most of the VFX that I want to do as they require third party software, It is also very hard to find footage to test the skills on. Although I could do more testing at home.
1/3/20 - Found plugin for Ae to do datamoshing very easily.
3/3/20 - Finished all 3 transitions and will put them together soon. 
5/3/20 - After putting the clips together I realised that the transitions between transitions were not lining up correctly, so I ended up just fading them into each other as a quick fix.


Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome and I showed my family to which they enjoyed the 24 seconds of footage. I met the brief very well and mostly the project went smoothly, but I did struggle at some parts. I believe I could have used my time better.

My main effect was datamoshing and was meant to stand out from the rest of the video as a glitch. Making it happen very suddenly helps with the glitchy style, although I could have done a better job in transitioning out of the effect.

Research went well and helped me understand how each effect is made. I researched a different program entirely so that the effect I was doing looked a whole lot better. I should have done more relevant research as most of it was useless to me.

I think that after I learned how to use Mocha to it's full extent, I could easily do the motion tracking and the replacing of screens if needed. I also believe that doing the sweeping mask was another aspect of the project that I could do again with ease. All in all, most of the project went well. As a result of learning Mocha my workflow would be increased if any work were to be related to Mocha.

I enjoyed going around and filming different things to use in my project. Going and exploring the countryside for trees to film is quite relaxing. I also enjoyed creating different VFX, especially all the transitions. I believe transitions are key in creating a good and smooth video, which is also pleasing to the eye.

Some improvements could be made to ensure better quality. I could have managed my time better so that I don't encounter problems last minute and having to fix them under stressful conditions. I also needed help with Mocha as I could not figure out how I could paste the tracking data onto different layers, therefore wasting time in the long run. The transitions between transitions could've been done better as I just simply did a fade from clip to clip resulting in less than smooth look, but it was the only option I could think off to do in the time I had left.

I developed skills along the way but mainly I learned that time management is key and I tend to work more efficiently when I know what I have to have finished by when. A hard skill I learnt was Mocha and a lot of shortcuts for it and other programs.

I am looking forward to having more freedom over what I can create rather than being restricted to a certain aspect; this mini FMP being SFX and VFX. I will probably change the way I organise my time as it should help me out more. 


  1. Hi Alex, it seemed like you gained a lot from this project that I hope will be seen in future projects


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